Impact Projects

Partnerships with Organizations & Companies

United Nations: Inspiring Air Pollution Awareness and Action in China

Partnering with the UN to get awareness and promote safety in Rural areas of China, protecting citizen’s health and wellbeing. We are able to encourage citizens in urban areas to act through our digital marketing in WeChat.
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Mastercard Foundation: Creating Millions of Jobs in the Agriculture Sector for Ethiopians

Ethiopia’s agriculture industry is being heavily impacted by climate change and requires AgriTech innovation to revive the economy. We developed three intricate initiatives: a skill training program, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, and funding for agricultural entrepreneurs.
Advancing Carbon Farming in East Africa with GIS, Soil Spectroscopy, and Machine Learning

We developed a systemic and reliable approach for Shell to track and identify high quality carbon credits through the MRV method. By acquiring higher quality carbon credits, Shellcan enhance its emissions reduction impactper dollar spent, allowing for greater progressin environmental sustainability without increasingits carbon offsetting budgetA

United Nations
Inspiring Air Pollution Awareness
and Action in China

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China as a nation, is significantly impacted by air pollution, resulting in an average 1.85million deaths annually. Around 39% of the country's population is rural and are unaware of the risks of air pollution. The Remaining urban population although aware, have no incentive to take action (based on dozens of interviews with people across China). This limiting belief is a barrier to mitigate the ill-effects of air pollution. The education in rural populations and the inaction in urban populations is hampering real action against air pollution.
A two-phased pilot approach Is proposed; the first phase will focus on spreading awareness utilizing both digital tools as well as leveraging traditional marketing tactics.  
The second phase is designed to inspire action in urban areas by developing a point-based Mini Program on the WeChat Open Platform. We will also initiate targeted outreach through Key Opinion Leaders who can influence and inspire audiences across the nation.  
The expected outcome includes increased awareness amongst the rural population, development of action-oriented results across the nation to combat air pollution as well as a cultural shift in thinking and acceptance of air pollution as a national risk that needs immediate attention and support from the government and other sectors within the country.

Mastercard Foundation: Creating Millions of Jobs in the Agriculture Sector for Ethiopians

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Three main factors that hinder progress in the agriculture industry in Ethiopia are lack of skilled workers, lack of access to modern AgriTech, and no available funding for AgriTech startups. Agricultural development in Ethiopia is consistently hampered by archaic farming practices little investment/economic development, and poor infrastructure.
Additionally, climate-related shocks have costed Ethiopia 500 million USD in agricultural goods annually, causing much of their workforce to lose their livelihoods. If farms were equipped with advanced farming systems, climate change phenomena such as irregular rainfall patterns or droughts would not be as detrimental to crop yields.
Three elaborate programs designed to assist with skill training, implementation o modern technologies, and funding ofAgriTech startups.

1. Skills training programsThree programs covering a variety of topics from the fundamentals of AgriTech to business skills relevant in the agriculture sector of the 21st century.
2. Implementation of AgriTechEthiopian farms are lacking in irrigation systems, modified seeds, and soil sensors.
3. Funding for AgriTech startups and small farmsA contributing factor to lack of improvement in the agriculture sector is that many innovative companies do not have access to the resources they need to get off the ground.
A major increase in skills training, modern technologies and funds will result in a total of 4 million new jobs.
1. Skills training programs: The population of Ethiopia will be gaining valuable skills allowing them to thrive in the agriculture sector leading to a boom in the Ethiopian economy. This will increase the income of farmers by more than 75%.
2. AgriTech: The combination of technologies in agriculture will double the overall growth, lead to a 20% boost in the economy and create more than 10,000 jobs.
3. Funding: Providing microfinance to farmers in a way that is effective and sustainable will lead to the creation of 3.85 million jobs by 2030.

Advancing Carbon Farming in East Africa with GIS, Soil Spectroscopy, and Machine Learning

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The Carbon Credit Market is valued at $103.8 billion in 2023 and is set to reach $359.5 billion by 2032 at a compound annual growth rate of 14.8%. Approximately 94% of carbon credits approved by Vera, world's leading verified carbon standards (VCS) that has issued more than 1 billion carbon credits, are found to provide no additional benefît to the climate.The organization has been found to exaggerate risks by 400 times, amplifying the benefits of projects. Carbon credit buyers lack the means to verify the legitimacy of carbon offsets using their own Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) methods.
We propose using geospatial technology, mid-infrared spectroscopy, and machine learning for precise MRV of carbon credits in sequestration projects. The process involves mapping soil, analyzing its physical and chemical traits through lab tests, and linking this data with mid-IR spectral signatures.
This creates predictive models for accurately estimating soil quality, notably soil organic carbon content (SOC).
With over 33% of the world's soils severely degraded, and 40% of those located in Africa, the need for innovative soil mapping and management solutions is clear. Our spatial and quantitative understanding of soil quality helps reverse soil degradation, improve land use practices, and promote ecosystem restoration.
By acquiring higher quality carbon credits, Shell can enhance its emissions reduction impact per dollar spent, allowing for greater progress in environmental sustainability without increasing its carbon offsetting budget.Robust prediction models and accurate data inputs enhance the reliability and precision of carbon sequestration estimates, boosting confidence in the quality of carbon credits generated. In 2022, Shell retired 5.8 million carbon credits. If Shell is able to invest in carbon credits that offset 2x more carbon using the GIS system proposed, it can retire 11.6 million tones of carbon at the same cost.

Shoot for the Moon 🚀


Terra, unveils an extraordinary innovation: the world's first solar-powered drone designed exclusively for agricultural purposes, aimed at mitigating soil-borne ailments.
Save The Trees by Slicing Genes: Gene Editing Trees to their Full Potential

Forests are of critical importance ecologically and economically. They cover more than one-quarter of the Earth’s land surface area, harbor the majority of the terrestrial biodiversity, exert strong control on biosphere carbon sinks, have a pivotal role in climate regulation, and are widely acknowledged as being principle ecosystem service provider.


Our Mission

To develop and deploy cutting-edge solar drone technology to detect and prevent soil-borne diseases, empowering farmers with sustainable and efficient solutions for healthier crops.
Our Vision

Build a sustainable future by tackling soil-borne diseases with precision and efficiency, empowering farmers to ensure global food security.

Soil-borne crop diseases are a major threat to global food security, causing significant crop yield losses of 10-15% and even up to 50% in some regions.

Meet Terra, the world’s first solar drone. Equipped with advanced AI and computer vision capabilities, specifically tailored to detect and combat soil-borne diseases, providing an innovative solution for farmers to improve crop yield and quality.
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Save The Trees by Slicing Genes: Gene Editing Trees to their Full Potential

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The scale of human impact on deforestation rates are astonishing, it is estimated that the global number of trees has fallen by 59% in comparison to around 12,000 years ago (i.e. the start of human civilization) . Our trees provide protection from global warming, biodiversity, carbon capture and regulate peace in our world. 
To balance out deforestation, we have reforestation. Replenishing the world's forests helps with climate change mitigation, agriculture and biodiversity. However, no matter how many trees we plant, they are cut faster than they grow. On average it takes 30 years for a tree to mature and longer depending on the species.
Reforestation has been implemented across the globe, but only providing results into the next decade. Many countries such as Japan, India, China, Canada (members of the Paris Agreement) have planted over 3 billion trees between them, the problem is that while their goal is to reduce carbon emissions through forestry. The trees aren't growing fast enough. 
Using gene-editing, we create trees that are less susceptible to pests, invasive species and grow quicker to help with agriculture, carbon capture and deforestation. Since trees on average take 15-30 years to mature, our focus is gene-editing and modifying the DNA sequence that helps a tree grow.