Module 3: Precision Fermentation

Unit 3.5: Companies in the field

Companies in the field 


Remilk is reimaging the way milk is produced through a futuristic process. In simple terms, they take the gene responsible for cow milk protein production and introduce it into yeast, a microorganism similar to the yeast used in brewing and baking. The gene functions as a set of instructions, guiding the yeast to efficiently produce our desired protein. They cultivate the yeast in fermentors, where it rapidly multiplies and generates authentic milk proteins, identical to those found in cow's milk. These essential proteins, along with beneficial vitamins, minerals, and plant-based fats and sugars (eliminating cholesterol and lactose), are then combined to create a diverse range of dairy products that everyone knows and enjoys.

Perfect Day:

Perfect Day, Inc. is a food technology startup company based in Berkeley, California, that has developed processes of creating dairy proteins, including casein and whey, by fermentation in microbiota, specifically from fungi in bioreactors, instead of extraction from bovine milk.

Since their founding, they have already produced a range of products including ice cream, milk, cream cheese, cake, and so much more. 

New Culture:

New culture is a company specialized in making cheese that stretch, melt and taste like the real deal. They merge conventional cheese-making techniques with advanced food science to produce cheese that is more compassionate towards animals, eco-friendly, and beneficial for human health. Through their pioneering scientific advancements, they can create any type of cheese without the need for animal ingredients.

Nourish Ingredients:

This is company that is adjusting the levels of short-chain fatty acids to enhance the concentrated dairy flavour in their products. Additionally, they're working on developing dairy-like fats with reduced saturated fat content by decreasing the amount of palmitic acid, which is the predominant saturated fatty acid naturally occurring in the human body.

Nourish Ingredients raises $11million to work on better tasting plant-based  and cultured meat - Transition Earth

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