Module 9: Food Insecurity

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Introduction to Food Insecurity

Definition: “The condition of not having access to sufficient food, or food of an adequate quality, to meet one's basic needs.”

Food insecurity is an issue that impacts millions around the world. Over 40 million people are facing emergency food insecurity as of 2022 across 51 different countries around the entire world. It’s extremely important that we think of ways to combat this issue as there are real impacts that are occuring, whether we see them occur or not… This concept is defined as “The condition of not having access to sufficient food, or food of an adequate quality, to meet one's basic needs”. These words clearly outline the topic of food insecurity, however, that's all they are. Words. It’s hard to learn and care about this concept unless you have first-hand experience with it and in order to help you understand the impact of the topic, here is a video about the topic and the people it affects: Moving on, the dimensions used to describe food insecurity are availability, access, use/utilisation and stability. These 4 key points help us narrow down the main issues and causes that have led to the final result of food insecurity. 

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