Module 8: Nutrition

Unit 5:Alternative foods and solutions

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Alternative foods and solutions

Finding alternatives to unhealthy foods 

Unhealthy foods are convenient and sometimes tasty but are not good for our bodies. So here are some unhealthy foods and their possible alternatives:

Unhealthy Foods

Healthier Alternatives

French fries

Baked sweet potato fries or vegetables

Ice cream

Frozen yogurt or homemade sorbet

Sugary soft drinks

Sparkling water infused with fruits and natural sweeteners (stevia and  monk fruit)

Processed meat (sausage, salami, pastrami, etc.)

Lean meats (chicken breast, turkey, and fish)

Candy bars

70% Dark chocolate 

White bread

Whole grain, sprouted grain, or gluten-free bread

Breakfast syrups

Honey, maple syrup, or fruit


Black coffee

Foods can become healthier by making them at home or replacing unhealthy ingredients. 

Apps that help you make healthy choices 

  1. Mealime Meal Plans and Recipes

Available on the App Store and Google Play

Mealime is an app that aims to reduce the stress of healthier meals for those who have busy schedules. The app includes stress-free grocery shopping by auto-generating grocery lists and an online shopping experience. It also includes easy and healthy recipes. Finally, the app tracks nutrition goals and personalizes meal plans based on diet preferences.  

  1. Foodvisor

Available on the App Store and Google Play

Foodvisor is a nutrition and diet app. It can track calories through its “Instant Food Recognition Camera” or by scanning the barcode. Unlike other apps, Foodvisor has a custom fitness program, allowing you to achieve your fitness goals. Foodvisor also has an in-depth analysis of nutrients using statistics and graphs. (It is integrated into Apple Health and Google Fit.)

  1. eMeals 

Available on the App Store and Google Play

eMeals is an app with meal planning and grocery benefits. It is connected with grocery partners like Walmart, Instacart, Shipt, Amazon Fresh, Safeway, and Kroger. This allows individuals to shop hassle-free because of curbside grocery pickup or home delivery. eMeals helps with meal planning, creating personal family recipes, and saving meals from the web. 

  1. MyFitnessPal

Available on the App Store and Google Play

MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular diet and fitness tracker apps. It tracks food habits, calories, and macronutrients via food logs and digital scans. It has one of the largest food databases to track calories in over 14+ million foods. A unique feature it has sleep tracking and a water intake tracker.

  1. Yuka

Available on the App Store and Google Play


Yuka is an app that checks the ingredients of foods and cosmetics through barcodes. After the scan, the app rates the ingredients out of 100 to determine if it is good to eat or use. If it is not healthy, the app also has recommendations for alternatives.


  1. What are some food alternatives that you can make on a daily basis?
  2. Which app will you try to use?

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